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Mutual Fund Portfolio
Instant Redemption Portfolio
Types of return
What is Mutual Fund Portfolio?
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Mutual Fund Portfolio is a summarized view of all your investments in Mutual Fund Schemes other than Schemes with Instant Redemption facility.
Payment was successful, but Portfolio is not updated.
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It usually takes 2-3 business days for the AMC to allot units against your investment after receiving the payment. Once the units are allocated, they will reflect in your Mutual Fund portfolio.
Portfolio not updated with latest NAV
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Usually NAV of all Mutual Fund schemes are released by 9pm after every trading day. We update your portfolio as soon as we receive the latest NAV from AMCs. For easy reference, you will always see the last updated timestamp against your Mutual Fund Portfolio.
When are Units for my Investments allotted?
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Usually it takes 2-3 business days for AMCs after you make the investment depending on the type of Mutual Fund you invest in. This is subject to realization of Funds by the AMCs.
Received confirmation SMS / Email from AMC but it does not reflect in my Portfolio
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Both Paytm Money and the AMC will send you confirmations for your transactions. You will see this reflecting in your Portfolio on Paytm Money as soon as the transaction is confirmed to us by AMC.